825H Series Scale Equipped Drum Palletizers

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Morse 825H Series Scale Equipped Drum Transporters, Drum Palletizers. Transport and weigh RIMMED 55-gallon drum. Move drum onto and off pallets up to 19" (48.3 cm) high.

Descubra las principales características

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Scale-Equipped Drum Palletizers to Lift, Move and WEIGH Drums
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Eliminates need for separate scale
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Drum Handling SAFETY Features
  • Eliminate manually moving drums on and off pallets, spill containment and dollies
  • Greatly reduce risk of injury or damage
  • Fully supports drum weight
  • Built-in counterweight for stability
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Handle virtually any RIMMED steel, fiber or plastic drum
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Jaws grip drum top rim... completely mechanical, automatic drum grip
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V-Shaped base to move drum on and off pallet corners, spill containment or drum dolly
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Straddle pallet up to 41" (104 cm) wide and 7" (18 cm) tall
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Models with ergonomic Battery, Electric or AIR power lift
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Raise drum up to 19" (48.3 cm) from floor
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Drum must be at least 26" (66 cm) tall
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Requires 75 Lb. (34 kg) drum weight to activate jaws
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Capacity: 800 Lb. (363 kg)

Encuentre el modelo que se adapta a sus necesidades

Producto Descripción
825H-N Drum Lifter / Palletizer for RIMMED drum. Has hand pump manual drum lift. N Type scale for NON-Hazardous area.
825H-N-124 Drum Lifter / Palletizer for RIMMED drum. Has AIR Power drum lift. N Type scale for NON-hazardous area.
825H-N-125 Drum Lifter / Palletizer for RIMMED drum. Has 12V Battery power drum lift. N-Type scale for NON-hazardous area. Includes battery and charger.
825H-T Drum Lifter / Palletizer for a rimmed drum. Has hand pump manual lift, T type scale.
blue barrel 825H Series Scale Equipped Drum Palletizers
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Fabricación de calidad de confianza desde 1923

La planta y los recursos de Morse Mfg. incluyen empleados cualificados y soldadores certificados, ingenieros, mecanizado controlado por ordenador y tecnología propia desarrollada a lo largo de 100 años de operaciones.

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