Elevadores de bidones

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Elevadores de bidones con gancho inferior Morse, accesorios de elevación para elevadores de bidones, elevadores con gancho inferior. Elevadores de bidones, equipos de elevación de barriles. Levante un tambor con su grúa y polipasto.

Descubra las principales características

icono de función clave
Levante un tambor vertical con su grúa
  • Levantadores de tambor de la serie 86 con soporte debajo del tambor
  • Serie 90 con agarre y liberación remotos
  • Levantador de tambor de acero de perfil estrecho modelo 91
  • Serie 92 para tambor de acero, plástico o fibra con borde
icono de función clave
Eleve un bidón horizontal con su grúa
  • Ganchos de elevación de bidones de la serie 41
  • Elevador de cargas pesadas del modelo 42

Encuentre el modelo que se adapta a sus necesidades

Producto Descripción
284 Fork-Mount Hook attachment. Slide onto single fork. Fork opening is 5.5" wide x 1-9/16" tall (14 x 3.97 cm). Use to suspend drum lifter.
41 Below-Hook Drum Lifting Hook. ONLY for horizontal 55-gallon (210L) steel drum. Ships with load test certificate.
41M Spark Resistant Below-Hook Drum Lifting Hook. ONLY for horizontal 55-gallon (210L) steel drum. Ships with load test certificate.
42 Below-Hook Drum Lifter. ONLY for 55-gallon (210L) steel drum. Two Modes: 1. Horizontal Fixed 2. Drum Tilt. Ships w/ load test certificate
85-5 PailPRO Unterhaken-Eimerkarrierer. Eimer mit Handrad kippbar. Gurtband sichert Eimer mit 11-12" (28-30,5 cm) Durchmesser. Lieferung mit Lasttest-Zertifikat
86 Below-Hook Drum Lifter with support under drum and NO tilt. Web Strap secures 22"-23.5" (56-59.7 cm) dia. drum. Ships w/ load test certificate
86-SS Stainless Steel Below-Hook Drum Lift w/ support under drum & NO tilt. Web Strap secures 22"-23.5" (56-59.7 cm) dia. drum. Ships w/ load test cert.
86S-2D Custom 2 drum lifter with under drum supports. Has NO tilt function. 1000 Lb. Capacity per drum. Ships with load test certificate.
86S-2LP Custom Below-Hook Drum Lifter with 2 Lifting Points, Under-Drum Support, Web Strap and NO Tilt Function. Ships with Load Test Certificate.
86S-3LP Custom Below-Hook Drum Lifter with three lifting points and under drum support. Has no tilt function.
86S-FP Below-Hook Drum Lifter with added fork pockets. Has under drum support. Has NO tilt function. Shown with factory installed cinch chain option 6314i-P.
86S-FPHD Heavy-Duty Below-Hook Drum Lifter with fork pockets, under drum support and positive grip around drum. Has no tilt function.
90 Verti-Karrier Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 55-gallon (210L) steel drum. Remote grip and release mechanism. Ships with load test certificate.
90-30 Verti-Karrier Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 30-gallon (114L) steel drum. Remote grip and release mechanism. Ships with load test certificate.
90-85 Verti-Karrier Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 85-gallon (322L) steel drum. Remote grip and release mechanism. Ships with load test certificate.
90-SS Stainless Steel Verti-Lift Drum Lifter for 55-gallon (210L) steel drum. Remote grip and release mechanism. Ships w/ load test cert.
90M Spark Resistant Verti-Karrier Below Hook Drum Lifter for 55-gallon(210L) steel drum. Remote grip and release mechanism. Ships w/ load test cert.
91 Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 22.5"-26" (57.2-66 cm) steel drum. Place steel 55-gal. drum into overpack/salvage drum. Ships w/ load test certificate.
92 Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 18"-26" (46-66 cm) diameter RIMMED steel, plastic or fiber drum. Ships with load test certificate.
92-30 Below-hook drum lifter for 15"-23" (38.1-58.5 cm) diameter RIMMED steel, plastic or fiber drum. Ships with load test certificate.
92-30SS Stainless Steel Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 15"-23" (38.1-58.4 cm) diameter steel, plastic or fiber drum. Ships w/ load test certificate
92-5 PailPRO Below-Hook Lifter for 11-15" (27.9-38.1 cm) diameter steel, plastic or fiber pail or can. Ships with load test certificate.
92-5M PailPRO Below-Hook Lifter with Spark Resistant Parts for 11"-15" diameter steel, plastic or fiber pail or can. Ships with load test certificate.
92-SS Stainless Steel Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 18-26" (46-66cm) diameter RIMMED steel, plastic or fiber drum. Ships with load test certificate.
92M Spark Resistant Below-Hook Drum Lifter for 18-26" (46-66cm) diameter RIMMED steel, plastic or fiber drum. Ships with load test certificate.
blue barrel Elevadores de bidones
contacto morse
Fabricación de calidad de confianza desde 1923

La planta y los recursos de Morse Mfg. incluyen empleados cualificados y soldadores certificados, ingenieros, mecanizado controlado por ordenador y tecnología propia desarrollada a lo largo de 100 años de operaciones.

Seguridad y ergonomía en la manipulación de bidones

Deje que nuestro equipo especializado le asesore sobre una solución que se adapte a sus necesidades

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