Option POLY-201

OPTION: Factory Installed on NEW 201 Series to roll PLASTIC drum. Includes 4 Extra wheels, end stop to prevent drum travel, and chain to assist tipping. CANNOT be order without 201 Series drum roller.

All about Option POLY-201
Specific to Option POLY-201
  • FACTORY INSTALLED on NEW 201 Series Portable Drum Roller
  • Includes:
    • 4 Extra wheels... Distributes drum weight
    • End stop to prevent drum travel
    • Chain to assist in tipping drum over onto roller
  • NOTE: ONLY works well with moderate weight in a plastic drum. An extremely light weight plastic drum may not provide enough friction to turn. A very heavy plastic drum may deform and slump between the wheels of the drum roller.
  • NOT a drum roller by itself
  • CANNOT be ordered without drum roller

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sticky note 4-digit serial numbers are simply the month & year of manufacture.
Example: 1120 is November 2020

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Ship length 0.00 cm (0")
Ship width 0.00 cm (0")
Ship height 0.00 cm (0")
Ship weight 10.90 kg (24 Lb.)
Ship class