Drum Faucets

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Drum Faucets - Drum Spigots to control the flow of liquid from your drums.

Discover key features

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55 Gallon drum spigot to control dispensing of LIQUIDS
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Threads into drum bung
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Order faucet compatible with the liquid you are dispensing
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Polyethylene drum faucets and "Molasses Gate" drum faucets available
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Drum faucets are available for standard 2" and 3/4" bung sizes (5.1 and 1.9 cm bung diameters) on 30 and 55-gallon (114 and 210 liter) steel drums
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1" (2.54 cm) Molasses Gate also available
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Start, stop or adjust the flow while you dispense from a drum
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Morse drum faucets are NOT considered "food grade"

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No CE marked products available.

blue barrel Drum Faucets
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Trusted Quality Manufacturing Since 1923

The Morse Mfg. plant and resources include skilled employees and certified welders, engineers, computer-controlled machining, and proprietary technology developed through 100 years of operations.

Bringing Safety & Ergonomics to Drum Handling

Let our dedicated team advise you about a solution that fits your needs

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