Drum Heaters - Barrel Heaters

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Electric Drum Heaters - Barrel Heaters heat drum contents quicker with 1500 watt steel drum with 4" (10.2 cm) wide heater band. Electric Drum Heater bands are a simple, reliable way to warm drum contents. Barrel Heater bands available for various size drums. Smaller 5-gallon pail heaters - bucket heaters.

Discover key features

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Heat contents of steel, plastic or fiber drum
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Flexible drum warmer band conforms to curvature of drum
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Select the correct drum heater for each drum size and type (metal drum or plastic drum)
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Drum Heaters for 55, 30 or 15-gallon (210, 114 or 57 liter) drum
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5-gallon (19 liter) pail heaters
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High wattage, with adjustable temperature control
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Moisture and chemical resistant
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Durable for long-term use in industrial environments
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Melt or preheat process ingredients
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IMPORTANT: MUST attach drum heater BELOW level of liquid inside drum
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CE-Marked for sale in Europe

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No CE marked products available.

blue barrel Drum Heaters - Barrel Heaters
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