MORStop Tilt-Brake

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THINK SAFETY - The MORStop Tilt-Brake AUTOMATICALLY holds the drum tilt position... so you don't have to!

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MORStopTM Tilt-Brake improves drum handling SAFETY and Ergonomics!
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Drum Handling SAFETY Features
  • Automatically stops and holds drum tilt angle
  • Prevents drum from turning out of control, even when drum contents shift
  • Greater ease of use and improved control
  • Immediate, self-actuating braking, without without user action
  • Works in forward and reverse tilt directions
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Available on many Geared Manual Tilt Morse models
  • Factory installed Option 3900i-P on new model
  • Kit 3900-P for customer to install on existing model
  • Versions with stainless steel casing

Find the model that fits your needs

Product Description
3900-P KIT for Customer to Install MORStop Tilt-Brake on EXISTING drum handler. ONLY fits models with geared manual drum tilt control.
3900ss-p KIT for Customer to Install Stainless Steel MORStop Tilt-Brake on EXISTING drum handler. ONLY fits models with geared manual drum tilt.
3900SSI-P OPTION: Factory Installed Stainless Steel MORStop Tilt-Brake on NEW manual tilt drum handler. Auto holds drum tilt angle until you move it.
blue barrel MORStop Tilt-Brake
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Trusted Quality Manufacturing Since 1923

The Morse Mfg. plant and resources include skilled employees and certified welders, engineers, computer-controlled machining, and proprietary technology developed through 100 years of operations.

Bringing Safety & Ergonomics to Drum Handling

Let our dedicated team advise you about a solution that fits your needs

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