Adapter for Rubbermaid Brute

Drum handling at the very tip of your fingers

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Custom Diameter Adapters

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Example Custom Adapters
  • Handling non-standard size drums
  • Adapters for Rubbermaid BrutesTM

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Product Description
55/30-32G Diameter Adapter for 32-Gallon (121 liter) Rubbermaid Brute Model 2632
55/30-44G Diameter Adapter for 44-Gallon (167 liter) Rubbermaid Brute Model 2643
55/30SS-32G Stainless Steel Adapter for 32-Gallon (121 liter) Rubbermaid Brute model 2632
55/30SS-44G Stainless Steel Diameter Adapter for 44-Gallon (167 liter) Rubbermaid Brute Model 2643
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Trusted Quality Manufacturing Since 1923

The Morse Mfg. plant and resources include skilled employees and certified welders, engineers, computer-controlled machining, and proprietary technology developed through 100 years of operations.

Bringing Safety & Ergonomics to Drum Handling

Let our dedicated team advise you about a solution that fits your needs

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