< PILOT > Power-Propelled Drum Handlers

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Power-Propelled Walk-Behind Drum Handlers Improve Productivity. Morse <PILOT> Self-Propelled Drum Handlers feature intuitive, industry-standard throttle, steering and drum positioning controls.

Descubra las principales características

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Control power-propelled travel speed with ergonomic twist grip
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Raise drum up to 10 feet (3 m) high
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Raise or lower control handle to actuate walkie brake. Feather for accurate payload positioning
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Adjust leg straddle from 42" to 50" (106.7 to 127 cm) in 4" (10.16 cm) increments
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Internal 24V battery plugs into standard 110V AC outlet
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Fully charge from empty in about 8 hours
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Built-in Safety Systems:
  • Release handle to return to upright position and apply brake
  • "Belly-Button" switch helps prevent operator being pinned
  • Activates low speed reverse direction upon contact.

Encuentre el modelo que se adapta a sus necesidades

Producto Descripción
900 < PILOT > Power-Propelled Drum Mover / Pourer. Dispense 55-gallon (210L) drum up to 10 feet (3 m) high.
905 Scale-Equipped < PILOT > Power-Propelled Drum Mover / Pourer. Weigh drum while dispensing up to 10 feet (3 m) high.
910 < PILOT > Power-Propelled MORStak Drum Racker. Lift and rack RIMMED 55 gallon (210L) steel or plastic drum horizontally up to 10 feet (3m) high
915 < PILOT > Power-Propelled MORSPEED Drum Mover / Stacker. Lift, move and stack upright RIMMED drum to 10 feet (3 m) high. Jaws grip drum top rim.
920 Power GRIP and Tilt < PILOT > Power Propelled Drum Mover / Pourer. Dispense 14"-24" diameter steel drum up to 10 feet high.
blue barrel < PILOT > Power-Propelled Drum Handlers
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Fabricación de calidad de confianza desde 1923

La planta y los recursos de Morse Mfg. incluyen empleados cualificados y soldadores certificados, ingenieros, mecanizado controlado por ordenador y tecnología propia desarrollada a lo largo de 100 años de operaciones.

Seguridad y ergonomía en la manipulación de bidones

Deje que nuestro equipo especializado le asesore sobre una solución que se adapte a sus necesidades

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