Option XLC-2-305

OPTION: 2 Extra large can holders and two 4" risers with NEW 2-305 Series for cans up to 16" diameter, and 11" to 22" tall

All about Option XLC-2-305
Specific to Option XLC-2-305
  • FACTORY OPTION with NEW 2-305 Series Double Can Tumbler
  • Extra large can holders to mix larger pails
  • Mix can up to 16" (40.6 cm) in diameter, and 11" to 22" (28 to 55.9 cm) tall
  • Includes two 4" (10.16 cm) Risers under Can Tumbler to allow 360° can rotation
  • Requires Larger Safety Enclosure than can tumbler with standard size drum holder

No options available.

Not available.
sticky note 4-digit serial numbers are simply the month & year of manufacture.
Example: 1120 is November 2020
Serial range

GEK-XLC-2-305 Enclosure Kit Dimensions

XLC-2-305 Larger Can Holder Option For 2-305
Parts Diagram
Serial range

Larger Can Holder Option

No videos available.


Ship length 0.00 cm (0")
Ship width 0.00 cm (0")
Ship height 0.00 cm (0")
Ship weight 25.42 kg (56 Lb.)
Ship class