Drum Spotter

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Morse Drum Spotter / Drum Palletizer moves drum to and from pallets

Descubra las principales características

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55-Gallon (210L) Drum Palletizers
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Drum Handling SAFETY Features
  • Eliminate man handling drums on and off pallets
  • Greatly reduce risk of injury or damage
  • Fully supports drum weight
  • Built-in counterweight for stability
  • Simple to operate... lower handle to raise drum
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Move and palletize a RIMMED 55-gallon plastic, steel or fiber drum
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Drum must be 22" to 23.5" (56 to 60 cm) diameter UNDER drum rim
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Lift and move 34" to 36" (86 to 92 cm) tall drum
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Maximum pallet height: 6" (15 cm)
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800 Lb. (363 kg) Capacity
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Moves easily on two 6" (15 cm) polyolefin wheels at front, and two 4" (10 cm) rear swivel casters for easy steering
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Ships in two parts to reduce freight cost

Encuentre el modelo que se adapta a sus necesidades

Producto Descripción
81 Drum Spotter / Palletizer for RIMMED 55-gallon (210L) steel, plastic or fiber drum. Hooks engage UNDER drum top rim.
81-SS Stainless Steel Drum Spotter / Palletzer for RIMMED 55-gallon (210L) steel, plastic or fiber drum. Hooks engage UNDER drum top rim.
81M Drum Spotter / Mover / Palletizer with Spark Resistant parts for a steel, plastic or fiber 55-gallon (210 liter) drum with top rim.
blue barrel Drum Spotter
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Fabricación de calidad de confianza desde 1923

La planta y los recursos de Morse Mfg. incluyen empleados cualificados y soldadores certificados, ingenieros, mecanizado controlado por ordenador y tecnología propia desarrollada a lo largo de 100 años de operaciones.

Seguridad y ergonomía en la manipulación de bidones

Deje que nuestro equipo especializado le asesore sobre una solución que se adapte a sus necesidades

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