Omni-Lift Drum Rackers - Rack Up to 6' High

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Morse Omni-Lift Drum Rackers lift, move, and place a drum horizontally in a rack. Morse Omni-Lift Karriers (Patented).

Descubra las principales características

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Place and retrieve drum from rack
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Drum Handling SAFETY Features
  • Eliminate dangerous bare fork drum handling
  • Clamps around upright drum for lifting
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Lift either horizontal or vertical drum
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Rack drum in horizontal position up to 72" (183 cm) high
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Handle RIMMED 55-gallon (210 liter) drum
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Battery, AIR or Electric Power Drum Lift and Tilt Control
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Manual Lift and Tilt models
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Models with spark resistant parts
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Handle drum with faucet or valve in place to use rack as dispensing station
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  • 800 Lb. (363 kg) full drum
  • 500 Lb. (227 kg) half-full unbalanced, bottom-heavy drum

Encuentre el modelo que se adapta a sus necesidades

Producto Descripción
405 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. Hand pump drum lift, and hand crank drum tilt.
405-110 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. Single-phase 60Hz electric power lift and tilt.
405-111 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. Explosion-proof single-phase 60Hz electric power lift and tilt.
405-113 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move and place drum horizontally on rack. 3-phase 60Hz electric power lift and tilt.
405-114 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move and place drum horizontally on rack. AIR power lift and tilt.
405-115 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move and place drum horizontally on rack. 12V Battery power lift and tilt.
405-117 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move and place drum horizontally on rack. Has single-phase 50Hz electric power lift and tilt.
405-120 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. Single-phase 60Hz electric power lift, and hand crank drum tilt.
405-121 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. Explosion-proof single-phase 60Hz electric power lift. Hand crank drum tilt.
405-123 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. 3-phase 60Hz electric power lift, and hand crank drum tilt.
405-124 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. AIR power lift and hand crank drum tilt.
405-125 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and rack drum horizontally. 12V Battery power lift, and hand crank drum tilt.
405-127 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move and place drum horizontally on rack. Single-phase 50Hz electric power lift, and hand crank drum tilt.
405M Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. Hand pump lift and hand crank drum tilt.
405M-111 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move and place drum horizontally on rack. Explosion-proof single-phase 60Hz electric power lift & tilt.
405M-114 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. AIR power lift and tilt.
405M-121 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move, and place drum horizontally on rack. Explosion-proof single-phase 60Hz electric power lift, & hand crank tilt.
405M-124 Omni-Lift Karrier Drum Racker to lift, move and place drum horizontally on rack. AIR power drum lift, and hand crank drum tilt.
blue barrel Omni-Lift Drum Rackers - Rack Up to 6' High
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Fabricación de calidad de confianza desde 1923

La planta y los recursos de Morse Mfg. incluyen empleados cualificados y soldadores certificados, ingenieros, mecanizado controlado por ordenador y tecnología propia desarrollada a lo largo de 100 años de operaciones.

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