MORStak Forklift Mounted Drum Rackers

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Fork Truck attachments to rack drums.

Discover key features

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Turn your forklift into a SAFETY CONSCIOUS Drum Racker
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Drum Handling SAFETY Features
  • Eliminate dangerous bare fork drum handling
  • Clamps under top rim of upright drum to lift
  • Interlock switches prevent tilting unless drum is properly secured
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Forklift attachments to rack drum in horizontal position
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Retrieve horizontal drum, and return to upright
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Handles ONLY RIMMED 55-gallon (210 liter) steel or plastic drum
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Self-contained battery-power drum tilt control
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2-button control pendant reaches back to forklift operator
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Rack drums side-by-side with virtually zero clearance between them
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Handle drum with drum faucet or valve in place to utilize rack as dispensing station

Find the model that fits your needs

Product Description
289C MORStak Carriage-Mount Drum Racker. 12V DC Battery power tilt for RIMMED 55-gallon (210L) steel or plastic drum. Includes battery and charger.
289F MORStak Fork-Mount Drum Racker. 12V DC Battery power tilt for RIMMED 55-gallon (210L) steel or plastic drum. Includes battery and charger.
blue barrel MORStak Forklift Mounted Drum Rackers
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Trusted Quality Manufacturing Since 1923

The Morse Mfg. plant and resources include skilled employees and certified welders, engineers, computer-controlled machining, and proprietary technology developed through 100 years of operations.

Bringing Safety & Ergonomics to Drum Handling

Let our dedicated team advise you about a solution that fits your needs

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